How my journey began
Hi I am Karen I am 44 years young and I originally started fasting back in 2018, and the reason I started fasting was because I wanted to loose the same 10lbs I gained and lost for the last 10 years and I also had tried every other diet on the planet. I tried 16:8 and mixed in a few longer fasts and I loved it. I used this protocol on and off for 2 years.
Then lockdown hit in early 2020 and I gave up fasting. I have had 2 previous hip surgeries and a have mild scoliosis on my spine. I piled on 2 stone in weight, I couldn’t walk 20 steps without being in severe pain!! I knew something had drastically got to change. I was drinking alcohol and eating rubbish on a daily basis, I felt at an all time low. My confidence, my mood everything was effected. I considered going on a low carb, calorie counting, strict diet plan and just as I was about to sign on the dotted line I said “Karen what are you doing? you know the only lifestyle that has ever worked or you have every enjoyed is fasting”
So on August 10th 2020 I set myself the challenge of 100 days of OMAD (one meal a day) fasting for 23 hours every day and eating for 1 hour and my goodness did those 100 days transform my life!! I’m not going to lie and say it was easy because it wasn’t but it challenged me in ways I could never imagine. I learned more about myself in those 100 days than I did in the last 20 years. I discovered a love for walking averaging 8km every day, a love for murder podcasts, ( I had never previously listened to a podcast) I found a love for different foods and I never enjoyed my food more than I did in those 100 days. Last November I had a hospital check up and when I walked in the doctor had my file and said by looking at this I was expecting you to crawl into the room, after chatting and telling him about my fasting he told me by doing what I did I eliminated 2 surgeries from my life. If this didn’t give me the drive to continue nothing ever would.
I have since then completed 2 five day fasts along with multiple shorter extended fast. I have been on a podcast interview myself, and thrive to help others with fasting. Back in September 2020 I set up an instagram page fastingforlife2020 and in one way its thanks to that page your reading this. The page took on legs and has reached so many people all over the world.
All that brings me to now June 2021 and I am Coaching people on their own fasting journey. If you want me to help and guide you along your fasting path look no further.
I am looking forward to working with you ~ Karen
What People Are Saying
Diets don’t work yet we continue to try every new one we find
~ Karen
A diet changes the way you look, a fast changes the way you see
~ Karen
Fasting allows you to take on the world and win
~ Karen
Fasting is a natural anti inflammatory and pain killer
~ Karen